Reviews eBook Readers

Who is afraid of NOOK Tablet?

Barnes & Noble follows the trend and released 7 inch NOOK Tablet. As you can guess the new NOOK Tablet is not a direct competitor for iPad 2, it is meant to be a Kindle Fire killer.

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Nook Tablet is nearly Identical with Nook Color

NOOK Tablet comes with access to the world’s largest digital bookstore via Wi-Fi.

NOOK Tablet features a 1GHz dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM and 16GB of storage – plus expandable memory. Barnes & Noble developed revolutionary battery life with NOOK Tablet, enabling 11.5 hours of reading time or nine hours of video viewing.

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NOOK Tablet is available for pre-order for $249 and it will be in stores and in homes on or about November 17. Also, NOOK Color will have a new low price of just $199 starting today and NOOK Simple Touch just $99.

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Who is afraid of NOOK Tablet?, reviewed by David Stephan on 2011-11-10T13:20:43+00:00 rating 9.5 out of 10
  1. Reply Dave November 16, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    Have you reveiwed Aquarium Secrets Revealed! yet?

  2. Reply Sharon November 25, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    I’ve had the nook tablet for a week and I really love it! Very fast and got it for the unlimited storage off line (you can just have additional memory chips to add more memory. Tried the Kindle Fire in 2 stores and both of them hung within a couple of minutes. This one works very well with no glitches. I won’t be using it where there’s wifi all the time and really like the unlimited storage.

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